If you would like to become a Bahá'í, please either print out this page or copy and paste it into your email program and follow the instructions:
By signing below, I declare my belief in Bahá'u'lláh, the Promised One of God. I also recognize the Báb, His Forerunner, and 'Abdu'l-Bahá, the Center of His Covenant. I request enrollment in the Baháí Community with the understanding that Bahá'u'lláh has established sacred principles, laws, and institutions which I must obey.
Signature: _____________________________________________________
Date: (mm/dd/yy)________________________________________________
Have you previously enrolled in the Bahá'í Faith? yes __ no __
Full Name: _____________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: ________________________
Zip: ________________ Country: _________________________________
Country/State of birth: ________________________________________
Male __ Female __ Birth Date:(mm/dd/yy)_______________________
Telephone:(Home) ___________________(Work)______________________
This part is to be completed by an Authorized Representative of the Baháí Faith:
Baháí locality code ________________
Enrolling Agency:
____ Local Spiritual Assembly
____ National Spiritual Assembly
____ Continental Counselor
____ Auxiliary Board Member
Authorized Signature: __________________________________________
Date:(mm/dd/yy) ________________________________________________
Comments: ______________________________________________________
You can send (snail mail or email) the form to one of the addresses provided below for the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baháís of the United States. If you do not reside in the U.S., they will forward it to the National Spiritual Assembly for your own country.
Declaration Form
Baháí National Center
1233 Central Street
Evanston, IL 60201-1611
Email: mis@usbnc.org
Telephone: (847) 733-3400