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Unities of All Things

Preternaturals of Creation
Introduction  |  Intelligent Life  |  Angels  |  Conclusion
I. Introduction

O Glory of the All-Glorious!

As a matter of definition, I have adopted the designation, preternaturals, throughout my recent writings, as an umbrella term, or a “rubric,” for alleged human beings from elsewhere in the world of creation, subterrestrials (human beings living underground or beneath the ocean), coterrestrials (other human beings inhabiting the surface of the Earth), transdimensionals (human beings also referred to as interdimensionals and extradimensionals), ultraterrestrials (which may include subterrestrials, coterrestrials, and transdimensionals), or transtemporals (time-traveling human beings), archangels, and departed souls.

Now they (the members of Spiritual Meeting) must, in perfect spirit and fragrance, in sincerity of heart, in attraction by the fragrances of God and by the confirmations of the Holy Spirit, engage in service; in the promotion of the Word of God; the diffusion of the fragrances of God; the training of the souls; the promulgation of the most great peace. They must raise the Banner of Guidance and become the host of the Supreme Concourse.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Tablets of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá ʿAbbás. Pages 23-24.

The preternatural souls are not aliens. These souls, as the hosts Baháʾuʾlláh and other divine Messengers, abide in the Celestial and heavenly Concourse, or spiritual condition, in this world. The Supreme Concourse is the spiritual gathering of the Prophets and Their angels on Earth, in the realms beyond, and, between Earth and Heaven, in the preternatural habitations of the universe:

Say: God sufficeth unto me; He is the One Who holdeth in His grasp the kingdom of all things. Through the power of His hosts of heaven and earth and whatever lieth between them, He protecteth whomsoever among His servants He willeth.
The Báb, Selections from the Writings of the Báb. Page 172.
... the soul is an intermediary between the Supreme Concourse (or Spiritual World) and the lower concourse (or material world). It, i.e., the soul, hath two phases: The higher aspireth to the Kingdom of El-Baha, and the lights of the mind shine forth from that horizon (or kingdom) unto its higher sphere; the other phase inclineth to the lower concourse of the material world and its lowest sphere is enveloped in the darkness of ignorance. But when light is poured upon this phase, and if this phase of the soul is capable of receiving it, then “truth hath come and falsehood vanisheth, for falsehood is of short duration”—otherwise, darkness will surround it from all directions and it will be deprived of association with the Supreme Concourse and will remain in the lowest depths.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Tablets of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá ʿAbbás. Page 611.
The Hosts of the Supreme Concourse are in marshall array, poised between Earth and Heaven ready to rush to the assistance of those who arise to Teach the [Baháʾí] Faith. If one seeks the confirmation of the Holy Spirit, they can find it in rich abundance in the Teaching Field. The world is seeking as never before, and if the Friends will arise with new determination, fully consecrated to the noble task ahead of them victory after victory will be won for the Glorious Faith of God.
From a letter, dated February 2, 1956, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to the Spiritual Assembly of the Baháʾís of the Anchorage Recording District. High Endeavors: Messages to Alaska. Pages 25-26.

We, too, can join that angelic army:

O Thou Incomparable God! O Thou Lord of the Kingdom! These souls are Thy heavenly army. Assist them and, with the cohorts of the Supreme Concourse, make them victorious, so that each one of them may become like unto a regiment and conquer these countries through the love of God and the illumination of divine teachings.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Tablets of the Divine Plan. Page 35.

The universe, in my opinion, is literally teaming with life:

Canst thou discover any one but Me, O Pen [al-Qalam al-aʿlā, the Supreme Pen, Baháʾuʾlláh], in this Day? What hath become of the creation and the manifestations thereof? What of the names and their kingdom? Whither are gone all created things, whether seen or unseen? What of the hidden secrets of the universe and its revelations? Lo, the entire creation hath passed away! Nothing remaineth except My Face, the Ever-Abiding, the Resplendent, the All-Glorious.
Baháʾuʾlláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Baháʾuʾlláh. Pages 29.
When, however, thou dost contemplate the innermost essence of all things, and the individuality of each, thou wilt behold the signs of thy Lord’s mercy in every created thing, and see the spreading rays of His Names and Attributes throughout all the realm of being, with evidences which none will deny save the froward and the unaware. Then wilt thou observe that the universe is a scroll that discloseth His hidden secrets, which are preserved in the well-guarded Tablet. And not an atom of all the atoms in existence, not a creature from amongst the creatures but speaketh His praise and telleth of His attributes and names, revealeth the glory of His might and guideth to His oneness and His mercy: and none will gainsay this who hath ears to hear, eyes to see, and a mind that is sound.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá. Page 41.
... some ..., like the Druzes [Arabic, al-Durūz, plural of al-Durzī] and the Nusayris [al-Anṣārīyah, plural of al-Nuṣayrī], think that existence is restricted to this physical world. What an ignorant supposition! For in this universe of God, which appears in the most complete perfection, beauty and grandeur, the luminous stars of the material universe are innumerable! Then we must reflect how limitless and infinite are the spiritual worlds, which are the essential foundation.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Pages 287-288.

In these three screen captures from an MP4 video, followed by a description, an insect-like entity allegedly swam, or perhaps flew, passed the International Space Station:


This alleged extraterrestrial entity was “[d]iscovered using super-powerful magnets to capture minute pieces of debris floating in space, the ‘bull-shaped’ particle is a ‘complete living entity’ (PDF). Here is a photograph:

Space Alien
Incredible footage of a translucent type entity caught briefly on NASA’s live stream of the International Space Station. The footage cuts off due to NASA pulling the plug on the transmission and replacing it with the infamous static bar screen. If this is genuine footage then it proves yet again that NASA have failed to inform the people of the world that life exists outside planet Earth, albeit in this case, a possible proteus life form or invertebrate.
Alien Creature Swims Past International Space Station 2013. March 16, 2013. Retrieved on March 19, 2013.

In my opinion, intelligent life in the universe is in sky, in the atmosphere, beneath the planets, on the stars, on the moons, and perhaps even on comets, asteroids, and meteors. Life is ubiquitous. We are just not ready to engage with these beings. Indeed, from a Baháʾí perspective, life is found on all planets and throughout the universe:

Thou hast ... asked Me concerning the nature of the celestial spheres. To comprehend their nature, it would be necessary to inquire into the meaning of the allusions that have been made in the Books of old to the celestial spheres and the heavens, and to discover the character of their relationship to this physical world, and the influence which they exert upon it. Every heart is filled with wonder at so bewildering a theme, and every mind is perplexed by its mystery. God, alone, can fathom its import.... Consider, moreover, the manifold divergencies that have resulted from the theories propounded by these men. Know thou that every fixed star hath its own planets, and every planet its own creatures, whose number no man can compute.
Baháʾuʾlláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Baháʾuʾlláh. Pages 162-163.
Regarding the passage on p. 163 of the “Gleanings”: The creatures which Baháʾuʾlláh states to be found on every planet cannot be considered to be necessarily similar or different from human beings on this earth. Baháʾuʾlláh does not specifically state whether such creatures are like or unlike us. He simply refers to the fact that there are creatures on every planet. It remains for science to discover one day the exact nature of these creatures.
From a letter, dated February 9, 1937, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual Baháʾí, Lights of Guidance: A Baháʾí Reference File. Number 1581.

According to the Blessed Seal Muḥammad:

The seven heavens and the earth, and all beings therein, declare His glory: there is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory! Verily He is Oft-Forbear, Most Forgiving!
Qurʾān. 17:44. A. Yusuf Ali, translator.

If other forms of life are on these planets, so is man:

... it cannot be imagined that the worlds of existence, whether the stars or this earth, were once inhabited by the donkey, cow, mouse and cat, and that they were without man! This supposition is false and meaningless.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Pages 197.

Some of these creatures may have sent spaceships, probes, and drones to this world:

As you rightly state, Baháʾuʾlláh affirms that every fixed star has its planets, and every planet its own creatures. The House of Justice states however, that it has not discovered anything in the Baháʾí Writings which would indicate the degree of progress such creatures may have attained. Obviously, as creatures of earth have managed to construct space probes and send them into outer space, it can be believed that creatures on other planets may have succeeded in doing likewise.
Regarding the attitude Baháʾís should take toward unidentified flying objects, the House of Justice points out that they fall in the category of subjects open to scientific investigation, and as such, may be of interest to some, but not necessarily to everyone. In any case, Baháʾís have a fundamental obligation at this stage of the development of the earth’s people, that is, the responsibility of spreading the unifying Message of Baháʾuʾlláh.
From a letter, dated January 11, 1982, written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual Baháʾí.

Recent scientific discoveries would seem to confirm what Baháʾuʾlláh had revealed in the nineteenth century. The planets, and maybe other celestial bodies, within God’s physical creation are not, it seems to me, wasted by spiritually and technologically sophisticated souls:

Every star twinkling in the night sky plays host to at least one planet, a new study suggests....
The findings were released at the 219th American Astronomical Society (AAS) meeting, alongside reports of the smallest “exoplanets” ever discovered.
Jason Palmer (science and technology reporter), “Study Says Every Star has Planets.” BBC. January 11, 2012. Retrieved on January 11, 2012.

Likewise, His angelic Presence ʿAbduʾl-Bahá said:

Consider the world of existence—that is to say, the world of material things. The solar system is dark and obscure, and in it the sun is the center of light, and all the planets of the system revolve around its might and are partakers of its bounty. The sun is the cause of life and illumination, and the means of the growth and development of all the beings of the solar system; for without the bounty of the sun no living being could exist: all would be dark and destroyed. Therefore, it is evident and clear that the sun is the center of light and the cause of the life of the beings of the solar system.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Page 162.
... the visible heaven is a limitless area, void and empty, where innumerable stars and planets revolve.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Page 104.

Return to the table of contents.

II. Intelligent Life
Other Intelligent Beings on Earth?

Earthly humans are, of course, carbon-based entities. If, however, we geocentrically expect all other residents of this vast universe to look entirely like ourselves, we could inadvertently miss them. Regardless of the outward appearances of other intelligent life, they are us, and we are them. Humanity is universal. Its essence is unity, while the attributes of human unity are known as the rational faculty, rational soul, or human spirit. Indeed, the immortal soul has no race, gender, or genome. Someday, perhaps, humans from our own planet might serve as angelic ambassadors of peace, unity, and survival to other celestial bodies and star systems.

ge•o•cen•tric (dʒi oʊˈsɛn trɪk)
1.  having or representing the earth as a center: a geocentric theory of the universe.
2.  using the earth or earthly life as the only basis of evaluation.
3.  viewed or measured as from the center of the earth: the geocentric position of the moon.
ge`o•cen′tri•cal•ly, adv.
Random House Kernerman Webster’s College Dictionary. Tel Aviv, Israel: K Dictionaries Ltd. 2010.

Recently, tiny hominins, hominids, or humanoids have allegedly been found. They could, I suppose, be either a species of preternaturals or the remnants of a previous civilization and universal cycle. On the other hand, they might, medically, be dwarfs or “little people,” with atypical growth patterns, or physically disabled homo sapiens. In any case, legends of leprechauns, elves, pixies, imps, gnomes, sprites, wee folk, hobbits (author J.R.R. Tolkien’s term), and similar intelligent, diminutive beings are recorded throughout the world.

The most well known of Irish fairies has to be the Leprechaun. A close second is the Banshee. You may or may not have heard of the Pooka. These are some of the solitary fairies. The Merrow are Irish sea fairies or I should say the sea fairies of Ireland. The Dullahan are the most feared fairies....
There are two thoughts on the origin of the fairies.
The first thought is they are the Túatha Dé Dannan. The Túatha Dé Dannan were in original gods of Ireland. They were defeated by the Sons of Mil thought to be the final Gael conquers of Ireland. The Túatha Dé were not banished from the land. They were diminished in size and told to go live among the hills, mounds and plains. They do not die of old age. They are not visible to humans but they can be seen if they want to. They have supernatural powers, they are gods after all.
The second thought of their origin is that they are fallen angels. This idea probably came with the coming of Christianity in the fifth century. After all everyone knew fairies existed so they had to conform to the new Christian belief. When Lucifer rebelled against God some of the angels hesitated about which side to join. For this behavior they were cast from Heaven. Some fell on land to live in elf mounds called Sidh. Some fell into the seas, lakes and rivers of Ireland and are bound to live there. A few fell into Hell and were taught by the devil to do ill to mankind, these are the malevolent fairies.
Gnomes, Imps, Fairies and Leprechauns. October 24, 2011. Retrieved on August 11, 2012.

This alleged elfin creature is 6-feet or 15-centimeters tall:

Elfin Creature

A reported seven-year-old elfin creature (18-inches or 46-centimeters tall), discussed by Steven M. Greer, M.D. (MP3 audio file 1 and file 2), was found in the Atacama Desert, located in Chile. The CT (computed tomography) scan of the individual’s remains, also known as a CAT (computed axial tomography) scan, is displayed at the top right. The images are followed by a description:

18” ET 18” ET
18” ET
18” ET
Clinically, given that this humanoid lived many decades to centuries ago (exact date remains unknown but it is not a recently living specimen) it is hard to understand how a 6 inch baby or child could have lived to be 6-8 years of age in such a remote and undeveloped part of the world. Even in today’s best Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) we would hardly be able to keep such a specimen alive. As an emergency physician, I have delivered premature infants, as well as a significantly deformed one with anencephaly, and am struck by how small and fragile this humanoid is. Medically speaking, IF this is merely a deformed human, it does not seem feasible that he would have lived to be 6-8 years of age. Speaking as a clinician, I, as well as other doctors with whom I have spoken, doubt he would have lived 6 hours. consistent with a human fetus of this size.
Given how long ago he lived and how primitive that area would have been- totally lacking in modern medical technologies and facilities—how would this child have lived? And with whom? Certainly there are many more questions than answers at this juncture.
The mystery is further compounded by the reports from Ramon Navia-Osorio Villar and his associates who traveled to the region and obtained information from local native peoples of sightings of UFOs and very small living creatures fitting the general description of this humanoid. There are also reports that other intact humanoids may be stored in various remote sites and locations. These reports have not been confirmed, however.
Steven M. Greer, M.D., Stanford University Research: Atacama Humanoid Still A Mystery. April 22, 2013. Retrieved on April 24, 2013.

This alleged tiny creature (MP4 video) appears to have wings:

Winged Humanoid Winged Humanoid

In addition, apparent horned beings have allegedly been discovered. Of course I am only guessing, but they could have been the inspiration for some legends regarding devils:

Obviously, if you dream of monsters devouring you, or of experiencing some kind of violence, such as being in a shipwreck, drowning in the ocean, or being pursued by anything ranging from murderous people to demons and devils with horns, you are having a classical nightmare.
Hans Holzer, Hans Holzer’s the Supernatural: Explaining the Unexplained. Franklin Lakes, NJ: The Career Press. 2003. Page 78.
Several human skulls with horns protruding from them were discovered in a burial mound at Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, in the 1880’s. With the exception of the bony projections located about two inches above the eyebrows, the men whom these skeletons belonged to were anatomically normal, though at seven feet tall they were giants. It was estimated that the bodies had been buried around A.D. 1200. The find was made by a reputable group of antiquarians, including the Pennsylvania state historian and dignitary of the Presbyterian Church (Dr. G.P. Donehoo) and two professors, A.B. Skinner, of the American Investigating Museum, and W.K. Morehead, of Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. The bones were sent to the American Investigating Museum in Philadelphia, where like so many finds that question anthropology, they were stolen and never seen again.
Human Skull with Horns. Retrieved on July 17, 2012.
horned manhorned man
alleged two-horned skull found in archaeological dig, Sayre (Bradford County, PA), 1880s

These photographs are screen captures, from three MP4 videos (file 1, file 2, and file 3), of alleged preternaturals in Mexico and Brazil:

Latin America Latin America Latin America

This image is a screenshot, from an MP4 video, of the reported capture, or perhaps kidnapping, of an preternatural in Varginha, Brazil:


The image below (MP4 video) shows an alleged preternatural (preternatural) photographed with a deer camera:


Here are two photographs of a possible glowing preternatural with a wand. The images, also captured by a deer camera, were submitted by Yasmin Crowe:

Angel with Wand
Angel with Wand

This next image (original JPEG image and PDF description), of a possible preternatural being in a jar of alcohol, was photographed by Joshua P. Warren in a Puerto Rican bar. Allegedly, the farmer who located the dead entity observed a spacecraft in that area at around the same time. I have cropped and enlarged the picture, but I have not modified it in any other way:

Puerto Rico

This possible preternatural shapeshifter (MP4 video) was observed, by a surveillance camera, making a funnel inside a Naples, FL, swimming pool:

Naples, FL

In 2013, a groups of hikers, near Plovdiv, Bulgaria, allegedly captured an image of 9-foot-tall (2.7-meters-tall) preternatural being (MP4 video):

near Plovdiv, Bulgaria

In 2011, the corpse of an elegant preternatural being (MP4 video), with an apparently severed right leg, was reportedly found in Italy:

Transterrestrial in Italy

Then, in 2012, a preternatural corpse (MP4 video) was allegedly spotted, also with a severed right leg, in the Irkutsk region of snowy southern Siberia, Russia:

Siberia Siberia Siberia
click to enlarge

Here are images of two other reported preternaturals:

Alien Being Alien Being

This being was allegedly photographed in a wooded area:

preternatural in the trees

Next is a screenshot of one among several preternaturals allegedly included in this MP4 video:


Floating preternatural beings were allegedly photographed on Luciano Medici’s property in Dolianuova, Sardinia, Italy in 2009. They appear, to me, to be wearing some type of space suit. The original image is embedded in the enlargement. Click to further enlarge it:


Two images of alleged preternatural mummies are displayed below:


This cropped and enlarged photograph (this original JPEG image or on NASA website) appears to show a preternatural face observing U.S. astronauts:

Green Lunar Object

Two other videos may show pictographic apparitions of a deceased or living flying humanoid (MP4 video) and a deceased or living flying praying mantis (MP4 video):

Flying Humanoid Flying Praying Mantis

This alleged flying humanoid (MP3 audio file) was photographed over Santa Monica, CA:

Flying Humanoid

Here is another alleged flying humanoid:

Flying Humanoid

The next collection of images relate to so-called “Grey” preternaturals:

Grey Greys
alleged photos of (possibly captured?) “Grey” aliens (MP4 video) from Soviet KGB (1942-1969)
another alleged captured Grey (MP4 video)
apparently from Russia or the former Soviet Union (MP4 video)
May, 2013, photograph, from Melbourne (Brevard
County), FL, of a being looking into an automobile
Grey Skull Grey Skull Grey Skull Grey Skull
skulls allegedly belonging to “Grey” extraterrestials (click to enlarge)
Grey Grey
alleged Mayan sculptures of “Grey” aliens
Armenian Stonehenge
possible Greys on Armenian Stonehenge in Sisian, Armenia (approximately 5,500 B.C.)

A possible craft, not on earth, was captured by SOHO (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). I have enlarged and processed the image:

On Earthʼs Moon?

If certain people are to be believed, the moon is already occupied. An hour-long MP4 video and a shorter MP4 video address this subject. Personally speaking, however, I am obviously unable to verify the following claims:

As a result of the NASA [National Aeronautics and Space Administration] cover-up, all findings concerning other planets released to the public by NASA and orthodox scientists are to be viewed with suspicion. The Moon’s high gravity necessitates drastic revisions to cherished concepts of planetary gravity and atmosphere, as well as other cosmological concepts. The above considerations and a great deal of additional evidence suggests that a number of planets and moons in the solar system may be inhabited by intelligent people with technologies superior to ours. If so, the operations of the United States and Russia in space may be restricted by these people and limited to certain areas.
William L. Brian II, Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the U.S. Space Program. Portland, OR: Future Science Research Publications Company. 1982. (Found on Page 196.
As far as the moon is concerned, I think they found when they got up there that there was already somebody there – and I woundn’t want to say anymore than that. But they got out of there, and they haven’t been back. But I have seen certain documents and read certain reports that indicate there is somebody already there – that knows a lot more than we do and would be willing to run us off if we didn’t go on our own. I doubt that we will go to the moon again.
Trevor James Constable in “UFO: The Greatest Story Ever Denied.” JEMWorks, LLC, and Jose Escamilla Works, LLC. 2006. YouTube. Retrieved on May 21, 2012.
Did you ever wonder why the Moon landings stopped and why we have not tried to build a Moon Base? It does seem like a better and easier idea than a floating space station with no access to any raw materials or supplies? According to the NASA Astronaut Neil Armstrong the aliens have a base on the Moon and told us in no uncertain terms to get off and stay off the Moon!
Sound far fetched? Milton Cooper, a Naval Intelligence Officer tells us that not only does the Alien Moon Base exist but the U.S. Naval Intelligence Community refers to the Alien Moon Base as “Luna,” that there is a huge mining operation going on there, and that is where the aliens keep their huge mother ships while the trips to Earth are made in smaller “flying saucers.”
LUNA: The Alien base on the far side of the Moon. It was seen and filmed by the Apollo astronauts. A base, a mining operation using very large machines, and the very large alien craft described in sighting reports as mother ships exist there. – Milton Cooper
Alien Presence on the Moon? – Moon Anomalies. Retrieved on May 21, 2012.

This next cropped and enlarged photograph of a lunar tower (my converted JPEG photograph, original TIF image, MP4 video, and PDF description), from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter, was found in the southwestern interior of the Orientale Basin:

Lunar Towers Lunar Towers Lunar Tower Lunar Towers Lunar Towers Lunar Towers Lunar Towers ZOND-3 - Soviet Moon Probe - 1965
other alleged ruins of tower-like structures on Earth’s Moon (click to enlarge)
Spacecraft on Moon Craft on Moon
an anomalous structure (10 miles/16 km. wide and 6 miles/9.7 km. high),
possibly a crashed or docked spacecraft with cables, discovered (during the
Apollo 17 mission) in the Lobachevsky Crater of Earth’s Moon (click to enlarge)
alleged lunar structure (MP4 video)
Lunar City Lunar City
alleged lunar cities or colonies (click to enlarge)
alien lunar base
Apollo 15 (July-August 7, 1971)
Object on Moon
cigar-like craft? (1.6 miles/2.5 km long) in Lobachevsky Crater (click to enlarge)
Statues of Reiner Gamma
Statue of Reiner Gamma (an apparent 6.25 miles/10 km tall humanoid)
Cigar Craft

Another apparent tower, which is casting a shadow, can be observed in the next photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). I have cropped, enlarged, and modified in the picture:


A possible craft can be seen hovering over a crater (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). I have cropped and enlarged the photograph, and auto-adjusted the lighting, but the original picture is embedded at the bottom right:

Craft over Crater

Here is another possible spacecraft (JPEG conversion of original PNG image or on the Arizona State University website):


A possible spacecraft, or residence, can be observed on the moon (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Craft or Residence

This possible spacecraft was observed above earthʼs moon (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Craft over Moon

These two images were taken from a NASA picture (JPEG image converted from original PNG image or on the Arizona State University website):


The face of a transterrestrial might be reflected in an astronautʼs visor (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


This next object was also retrieved from NASA (JPEG of original TIF image or on the Arizona State University website)

I found a king’s bust in a NASA photograph (JPEG of original TIF image or on the Arizona State University website). The picture, with its original size and brightness, is embedded in the bottom left-hand corner:


The following unusual object (original JPEG image or on the Arizona State University website) was photographed above the Moon:


This object was photographed above the Moon (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


I found numerous possible lunar cities (or boulders) in a single NASA photograph (original TIF picture converted into JPEG format or on the Arizona State University website):

Lunar Cities Lunar Cities
Lunar Cities Lunar Cities
Lunar Cities
Lunar Cities
Lunar Cities

On May 12, 2013, using NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera, I captured and enlarged the following anomalous object, possibly a spacecraft, in the Moon’s Necho Crater. However, I have not modified the image in any other way:

Necho Crater

The following cropped and enlarged images (PNG photo 1, PNG photo 2, PNG photo 3, PNG photo 4), taken from an allegedly leaked set of photographs, show objects which may have been photographed by NASA on the dark side of Earth’s Moon (MP4 video):

Dark Side
Dark Side

This apparent craft (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was photographed over the Moon. I have only cropped and enlarged the picture:


I personally noticed a possible sphinx-like object (PDF description of the location) in an photograph (original TIF image converted to JPEG format or the TIF file on the Arizona State University website) taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera. I have only cropped and enlarged a portion of the photograph:


This NASA photograph (original TIF image converted into a JPEG or on the Arizona State website) is a treasure trove of finds:


These two possible spacecraft were captured above the Moon (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). The image was only cropped and enlarged:

Two Craft

This cropped and enlarged photograph of a conjectured lunar structure or spacecraft, with no additional modifications, was photographed on or near the Moon (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Two Craft

I found a possible machine and an apparent statue in a photograph (JPEG of original TIF image or on the Arizona State University website). Although I have only cropped and enlarged the pictures (and added the illustrations to the second one), the original sizes are embedded in each of the two captures:

Machine Statue

Three unusual objects, possibly rod-shaped craft, were observed over the Moon (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). I have cropped and enlarged the photograph, but I have not modified it in any other way:


The following photographs were taken of possible huge domed craters on Earth’s Moon. The three furthest to the right also seem to contain visible structures. Click to enlarge them:

Domed Crater Domed Crater Domed Crater Domed Crater Domed Crater

This photograph is an alleged lunar base on the far-side of the moon:

Lunar Base

A possible land rover (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was photographed on the moon:

Lunar Base

The following picture reportedly shows a bridge (21-miles or 34-kilometers long) on the Moon:


This image allegedly displays a temple and other structures on the Moon:

Lunar Temple

I have cropped and enlarged the photograph of this unusual spacecraft or entity (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), captured on the Apollo 17 lunar mission (1972), but I have not modified it in any other way:

unusual object

In a screen capture from an MP4 video, which is followed by a description, a NASA employee appears to accidentally confirm the existence of lunar structures. The photograph, enlarged to the right, is shown laying upon his desk:

Oops! Oops!
click to enlarge each of the photographs
NASA accidentally confirms what we have known all along, that there are indeed structures on the moon. In this picture taken at the NASA Ames Research Center, we can clearly see a two possible structures, one is quite clearly a square shaped building, the other to the right of the building looks like a triangular shaped structure.
NASA Confirms Moon Structures Exist. March 14, 2012. Retrieved on October 29, 2012.

A possible spacecraft was captured in this lunar photograph (original photograph or on the Lunary and Planetary Institute website:


In a screen capture from an MP4 video, using an individual’s personal telescope, a fleet of spacecraft were allegedly observed leaving the Moon on September 15, 2012:


The next capture from an MP4 video appears to show another fleet of spacecraft emerging out of a lunar explosion (PDF file):


Although the original photograph on the NASA website was corrupted, here is a smaller version of the picture:


This image, from Earth’s Moon, was captured by the U.S. Clementine spacecraft (Deep Space Program Science Experiment, 1994). The original phototograph was allegedly blurred by NASA and later recovered using Photoshop. It appears to depict a humanoid, wearing a full-bodied green suit, leaning over a vehicle or, perhaps, some other type of machine:


U.S. astronauts and Russian cosmonauts have reported seeing preternatural spacecraft (MP4 video 1, video 2, and video 3 and an MP3 audio file from NASA’s Space Station mission, Synchronous Transport Signal 21 or STS-21). The following image, from November, 1969, displays what seems to be an inquisitive creature reflected in the visor of Apollo 12 astronaut Alan LaVern Bean (born, 1932). The photograph was taken by fellow astronaut Charles “Pete” Conrad, Jr. (1930-1999). Both men were standing on the lunar surface:

Lunar Creature

Here is another alleged humanoid on the moon:

Man on the Moon Man on the Moon Man on the Moon Man on the Moon
click on each photograph to enlarge

A possible blue light ship was photographed during NASA’s Apollo 11 moon mission in 1969. I have enlarged the picture (original JPEG image), but I have not modified it in any other way:

Blue Light Ship

Here is another possible blue light ship (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Blue Light Ship

This apparent light ship (JPEG of original PNG image or on the Arizona State University website:

Light Ship

The next picture (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), also from the Apollo 11 mission, is highly unusual. I have only cropped and enlarged the photograph:

Unusual Structure over the Moon

This photograph (original JPEG image or on the Universities Space Research Association website) appears to show a rapidly moving craft on the Moon. I have cropped and enlarged the picture, but I have not modified it in any other way:


This apparently spherical craft was photographed over the moon (first original JPEG image or on the Lunar and Planetary Institute website):


These similarly looking odd objects (first original JPEG image or on the NASA website and second original JPEG image or on the NASA website), which I have only cropped and enlarged, were photographed, above the lunar surface, during the Apollo 17 (1972) mission:


I cropped these pictures from three official NASA lunar photographs (first original JPEG image or on NASA website, second original JPEG image or on NASA website, and third original JPEG image or on NASA website):

Moon Moon Moon

These possible lightships were photographed by NASA near the Moon. I have cropped these two images from the photograph (original PNG photograph or on the Arizona State University website), but I have not modified them in any other way.

Lunar Lightships Lunar Lightships

The following are my own two crops from an image (PDF description) taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaisance Orbiter Camera (original TIF image converted to JPEG format and TIF image on the University of Arizona’s website. The pictures have not been enlarged:

Moon Moon
On Mars?

The planet Mars could also have a colorful history:

We describe aspects of a skull-like feature found in Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) image AB108403. The skull-like feature becomes face-like when one recognizes the presence of component facial features of appropriate size and shape, features such as cheek, chin and neck. Further component features of the image including eyes, nose, and mouth combine to give the impression of a human-like face. A special analysis of the eyes is undertaken, one involving two independent eye specialists. We then undertake a critical analysis including a comparison of natural head or face-like features on earth as well as a probability analysis of the possibility that the features could have appeared randomly. Our analysis suggests that natural and/or random processes fail to provide a satisfactory explanation for its formation. Among others, we also describe a flat facial profile found in a statistical survey for other eye-like features on Mars. The Profile has an identifiable eye, nose, lips, chin, cheek, and neck. Unlike natural head-like features found on earth, which tend to be grotesque and quite angular, both the Skullface image and the Profile image have relatively smooth and proportionate facial features.
Horace W. Crater (The University of Tennessee Space Institute), “Face-Like Feature at West Candor Chasma, Mars MGS Image AB108403” (abstract). Journal of Scientific Exploration. Volume 16. Number 3. 2002. Pages 413-437.
Evidence suggesting a past humanoid civilization has been found at several sites on Mars. In particular, what appear to be large carved faces, with similar details, have been found at two separate sites. Together with geochemical and geological evidence that suggests Mars was once more Earth-like in climate, the images of the objects support the Cydonian Hypothesis: That Mars once lived as the Earth now lives, and that it was once the home of an indigenous humanoid intelligence.
John E. Brandenburg, Vincent DiPietro, and Gregory Molenaar, “The Cydonian Hypothesis” (abstract). Journal of Scientific Exploration. Volume 5. Number 1. 1991. Pages 1-25.
“This massive nuclear explosion on Mars seems to defy natural explanation.” – Dr. John Brandenburg, senior propulsion scientist at Orbital Technologies Corp Brandenburg – who once worked at Livermore – defended his research, arguing that defense experts he talked to off the record said they agreed there are signs of a nuclear reaction.
Giant Nukes Wiped Out Mars. April 2, 2011. Retrieved on August 6, 2012.
King on MarsSoldier on Mars
possible king and soldier carved on the planet, Mars, the God
of War
(from the late astronomer Tom Van Flandern, Ph.D.)
Another Face on Mars
Martian “soldier,” viewed
sidewards, as pyramid object
(David Hatcher Childress)
Face on Mars
another apparent face on Mars
Cydonia Dolphin
Landing Port on MarsLanding Port on Mars
possible Martian landing port (David Hatcher Childress)
Martian spheres
spheres discovered by the U.S. Mars Rover Opportunity, 2012 (click to enlarge)
Martian Spray Nozzles and Dome Martian Tunnels
alleged Martian tunnels (click to enlarge)

This possible skull-like object (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was observed by Mars Rover Curiosity through NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). I have cropped, enlarged, and circled the object, but I have not modified it in any other way:

Martian Rodent
alleged rodent-looking creature (on right) captured by Mars Curiosity
in 2012 (original JPEG, JPEG with arrow, and MP4 file 1 and file 2)
Humanoid on MarsHumanoid on Mars
alleged humanoid or humanoid statue on Mars

The following picture is a possible statue of a man, seated in a lotus position, with horns (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


I have cropped and enlarged this photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), taken by Mars Curiosity, of a possible female bust:


The following photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) of an alleged Martian lizard has been cropped, enlarged, and digitally enhanced:

Martian Lizard

This metalic object was foun in another photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Metalic Object

Two apparent buildings can be seen on this Martian mound (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


Here is a possible Martian tower (original JPEG image or on the NASA website)


A possible broken helmet and a pipe can be observed in yet another picture (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Object Object

This next picture (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) appears to show a staircase to a monument:


A few interesting objects can be seen in another photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


I have only cropped and enlarged the next photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). However, the picture in its original size is embedded on the bottom right. It looks a bit like a humanoid in a spacesuit:


This photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), which is just cropped and enlarged, resembles a gun:


This Martian picture appears to show an architectural structure, or perhaps a craft, in the distance (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Structure or Craft

This bell-shaped object (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) has apparent markings at the bottom. Here is a cropped and enlarged picture followed by a closeup of the markings:

Bell-Shaped Object
Bell-Shaped Object

A possible tunnel entrance along with various facial sculptures are indicated in the next image (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). I have cropped, enlarged, and sharpened the photograph:


Unusual lights appears to be shining from the Martian surface in two photographs (original JPEG image or on the NASA website and original JPEG image or on the NASA website) taken by Mars Rover Curiosity:

Martian Light Martian Light

These next two photographs (original JPEG image 1 or on the NASA website and (original JPEG image s or on the NASA website) may show Martian ruins:


This photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) appears to show a humanoid (on the left) working on the Mars Rover Curiosity:

Working on Curiosity?

A possible flying saucer was observed on Mars. I have only cropped and enlarged the photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Flying Saucer

This unusual object (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was photographed by Mars Rover Curiosity:


This unusual object (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was photographed on Mars:


Here, on the left and right edges of this photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), are some possible vehicles, buildings, or machines:


This saucer-shaped object (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was found on Mars:


The original cropped and enlarged photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), possibly a totem, is followed by a processed picture:


The next photograph (full-sized image), allegedly taken by Mars Curiosity, resembles a belt buckle. I have only cropped and enlarged the object:

Belt Buckle

This cropped, enlarged, and sharpened photograph may show an ancient Martian settlement (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


I have cropped, enlarged, and modified the temperature of this photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). It appears to show a tilted box-shaped entity with a couple of surrounding objects:


This fascintating bust-like visage was captured on Mars (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). I have auto-adjusted the lighting of the image. However, the original is embedded on the bottom right:


Below top is a seemingly lizard-like creature and, below bottom, a being, which I personally noticed, apparently looking into the camera (with an embedded image which I edited using contrast enhance and other tools). Both images were taken from the same original NASA JPL photograph, by the Mars Rover Curiosity, on or around February 3, 2013:

Martian Lizard

In a sequence of six photographs (NASA images), displayed here in the same order as on the NASA website, a possible craft is shown taking off from Mars:

Craft Craft Craft
Craft Craft Craft

An interesting Martian structure, possibly the saucer-shaped remains of an architectural monument, are displayed in this cropped and enlarged photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). The picture was taken by Mars Rover Curiosity:


Here is a possible Martian settlement (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


This possible moth-like angel-like figure (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was observed on Mars. The picture has only been cropped and enlarged:

Moth-like Creature

This cropped and enlarged picture (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) may show fossilized remains on Mars:

Fossilized Remains

The following photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was taken by the Mars Rover Curiosity in the “Dingo Gap” area of Mars:

Dingo Gap

An apparently elevated cross is clearly visible in a photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) taken by Mars Rover Curiosity in March of 2014:


Below is a possible Martian settlement. The picture (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) has only been cropped and enlarged:


The next photo original JPEG image or on the NASA website), which I have only cropped and enlarged, may show some type of machinery:


A puzzling radiant angel-like figure (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was captured by Panoramic Camera Sol 123. I cropped and enlarged the photograph, but I have not modified it in any other way:

Angel-like Creature

This next cropped and enlarged (but otherwise unmodified) photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) appears to show a humanoid:


I personally found the following images of a possible sword and a bust were found in one Martian photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). I cropped and enlarged the pictures, but I have not modified them in any other way:


Here is an seemingly hovering object on Mars (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Hovering Object

A possible Martian coastline, or former coastline, with a forest, perhaps a petrified one, can be seen in this cropped and enlarged photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


The next picture appears to show the top of a building or other structure (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


This picture (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) seems to show a moving vehicle, a bit like a tank, on the Martian surface:


Click on this next picture, cropped from a photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), to enlarge it:

Pyramids and more

I have cropped, enlarged, and sharpened this photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) of possible buildings on the Martian surface:


The next photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website is also only cropped and enlarged:


A boat or some other vehicle might be shown in this photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


Here is a possible relic of a bust with praying hands (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


This photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), which I have only cropped and enlarged, also appears to show a bust:


An possible spacecraft was captured in two photographs by the Mars Rover Curiosity (original JPEG image 1 and original JPEG image 2 or image 1 on the NASA website and image 2 on the NASA website). I only cropped and enlarged the pictures:

Craft Craft

The head of a statue may have been observed in this next photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). The picture has only been cropped and enlarged:


Here is another possible statue (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


I found two out of the following three possible carvings in a photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website): The pictures have only been cropped and enlarged:

carving carving

Another cropped and enlarged photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) displays three possible humanoid carcasses:


An apparent road leading to two lakes or blue structures was found on Mars. The original JPEG image (or on the NASA website) shows a longer stretch of the possible highway. The picture is only cropped and enlarged:


The next set of cropped and enlarged photographs (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) may show a Martian base, including various structures and a spacecraft:

Base Base Base Base

This image taken by Curiosity, which I also downloaded from NASA’s website, appears to show a pyramid city and a submerged metalic object:

Pyramid City Submerged Metalic Object

A possible metalic object, with two embedded enlargements, was found by Mars Rover Curiosity on January 30, 2013:

Martian Metalic Object

Here is a possible fossilized seashell on Mars (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Fossilized Seashell

An unusual object can be seen in a Martian crater (original JPEG image or on the Arizona State University website):


This possible craft was photographed (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) along the rim of the Endeavor Crater on Mars:


This next photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), also from the Mars Curiosity rover, was taken on July 24, 2013 (PDF description). The following crops from the picture, which I have enlarged but not modified in any other way, appear to display a duck-shaped entity or statue, a metalic artifact, a pipe-shaped object, and, below, two house-like structures:

Mars Mars Mars
Mars Mars

Click to enlarge these other alleged Martian photographic artifacts:

Martian ArtifactsMartian ArtifactsMartian ArtifactsMartian ArtifactsMartian Artifacts

This image, followed by a description, is allegedly an original NASA photograph, before it was doctored, of a Martian colony:

Martian Colony
click to enlarge
I have located the ORIGINAL NASA photos from a few years ago, the ones released BEFORE the doctored images became widely distributed...
They are not even CLOSE to being the same, folks...
Not even close....
NOW you will begin to see WHY they altered them.
People Found Alive on Mars. September 26, 2012. Retrieved on December 11, 2012.

Here is another alleged image of a Martian city:

Martian Colony
click to enlarge

A possible Martian city (original PNG image or the NASA website) is displayed in the next photograph. I have cropped and enlarged the picture, but I have not otherwise modified it:


This photograph (original NASA JPEG image) of possible tunnels, tubes, or pipes was captured by the PDS Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC):


A half-crescent face (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was observed on Mars:


This photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), taken by Mars Rover Curiosity, appears to show a face. The picture on the left is only cropped and enlarged. I processed the one on the right:

Face Face

The next photograph (original JPEG image or on Holger Isenberg’s archival website), which was cropped and enlarged but not modified in any other way, was taken, prior to March 22, 2011, by PanCam on NASA’s Spirit Mars Exploration Rover (December 14, 2009). It might, speculatively, be a preternatural rover or tank:

Rover or Tank

This picture is taken from a Mars Curiosity mastcam video (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


This possible craft and another object were photographed (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) along the rim of the Endeavor Crater on Mars:

object object

This circular, metalic-looking object (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) appears to be attached, on the left, to a piece of cord. I have cropped and enlarged the image, but I have not modified it in any other way:

Unusual Object

I personally located these next two photographs (first JPEG image on Holger Isenberg’s archival website and second JPEG image on the website), from NASA’s Spirit Mars Exploration Rover (May 11, 2009), of an apparent sculpture or mural on Mars:

Sculpture or Mural
Sculpture or Mural

I discovered this JPEG image, also from the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover (January 16, 2006), of a conjectured underground entrance or inspection chamber (a “manhole”) on the website:


I also located this JPEG image, from the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover (December 3, 2005), of a possibly demolished statue on the website:


This photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was of an apparent flying saucer was taken on Mars:

Flying Saucer

Click to enlarge this JPEG image I located, also from the Spirit Mars Exploration Rover (June 11, 2009), of an object which looks like a destroyed monument on the website:


I noticed an image of a possible creature, a mostly buried humanoid with a metalic-looking wrist, in an alleged Martian photograph (original JPEG photograph). I have cropped and enlarged the picture, but I have not modified it in any other way:


This Martian photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), which I have only cropped and enlarged, appears to contain two structures connected by a pair of elbow-shaped tubes on the bottom left:


Another apparent tube can be seen in this photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). I have cropped, enlarged, sharpened, and enhanced the picture:


The following Martian images, containing a mixture of possible cities and faces, are taken from this NASA JPEG photograph:

On Other Planets?

Cassini spotted this possible craft near Saturn (original NASA photograph 1 or on the NASA website:


Norman Bergrun believes that the rings around certain planets, including Saturn, may contain plasmatic lifeforms. Electromagnetic vehicles (EMVs), as developing entities, are, he suspects, being powered by, or “nursing from,” the energetic plasma in the rings:

The implication is that orbital radius of vehicle position is set very precisely in order to have a gap produced. Inspection of the vehicle reveals numerous jets issuing from many different positions around and along the body [of the vehicle]. A fan of three jets appears to form the inboard part of the trailing efflux. Each jet appears to consist of a series of bulbous swellings. Such swellings are indicative of the form of electricially charged flows known as pinched plasmas.
Norman R. Bergrun, Ringmakers of Saturn. Edinburgh, Scotland: The Pentland Press. 1986. Page 21.
Saturn investigations for years have portrayed the ring system as comprised of primordial matter. The utter idea that the rings might be quite young is uncomfortable to primordial advocates because a key assumption is placed in jeopardy.... [S]everal different electromagnetic vehicles [are] actually depositing the A and B rings .... These fortuitous pictures [in the book] say not only that the ring material is quite new, but also that continuous regeneration can occur.
Norman R. Bergrun, Ringmakers of Saturn. Edinburgh, Scotland: The Pentland Press. 1986. Page 34.
Well, sure, it’s [the rings around planets like Saturn, Uranus, and Jupiter are] just the exhaust.... It’s [Jupiter is] getting rings.... I can tell you that when there are these rings, there are these things [electromagnetic vehicles].... I would say, I don’t think they’re mining the rings. I think they’re nursing from the rings.... That’s where new ones [electromagnetic vehicles] are getting their energy.... You start out small, just like a baby, and you get bigger.... I wouldn’t be surprised [if the vehicles go by the Sun to get powered] .... It means they’re capable of withstanding the high temperatures.... Yeah, they could get pumped up really nicely.... The objects that I saw were very small inside the ring, and they were connected to the inside ring.... It just seemed to me, like, well, these are babies.... That’s how I came up with the idea that they’re nursing from the ring. Now, they’re getting life strength – whatever you want to call it.... I think that’s how they are growing is using the rings.... You don’t have to be very bright to do mining. How do I know? Because I have worked in a mine. So, we’re dealing with lots of smarts.... I think what we’ve got there is a life form.... We are not capable of doing that [communicating with these life forms].... [There is] organized structure of some sort. I mean, there’s lines going this way and ... perpendicular .... There can be straight lines out there.... And almost any formation can be made that is desired.... I see the rings, and there’s an EMV [electromagnetic vehicle], and they’re never where you think they are going to be.
Norman R. Bergrun, “Ringmakers of Saturn Interview.” Project Camelot. Kerry Cassidy, interviewer. June 29, 2012. Retrieved on June 29, 2012.
Saturn EMV Saturn EMV
2 photos allegedly showing electromagnetic vehicles in the rings of Saturn

Several NASA photographs, which I have only cropped and enlarged, appear to show craft on or near Saturn and its rings (original NASA photograph 1 or on the NASA website, original NASA photograph 2 or on the NASA website, original NASA photograph 3 or on the NASA website, original NASA photograph 4 or on the NASA website, original NASA photograph 5 or on the NASA website):

Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn Saturn

This object was photographed by NASA on Ceres, a dwarf planet original NASA photograph or on the NASA website):

On the Sun?

The existence of starry life is, no doubt, highly speculative. That being said, the reference included below, taken from an old and outdated Baháʾí compilation, appears to describe sentient creatures on the luminous stellar bodies, including the Sun, through adaptation. I will note, however, that, because some (not all) of the sources used in early Baháʾí publications lack authenticated Arabic or Persian versions, they are not defined as scriptural. In addition, many of the early English-language translations were relatively poor in quality. With those important qualifications, I decided to quote a portion of the passage anyway.

In my humble opinion, ʿAbduʾl-Bahá’s first comparison of “sea birds” with birds in the sky and His second comparison of “sea-horses” with horses and fish refer to the divinely ordained patterns or correspondences in existence, not to literal Platonic ideal forms (Ancient Greek, eídē). In other words, ʿAbduʾl-Bahá is, it seems to me, using Platonic idealism as a metaphor or as linguistic context:

The earth has its inhabitants, the water and the air contain many living beings and all the elements have their nature spirits, then how is it possible to conceive that these stupendous stellar bodies are not inhabited? Verily, they are peopled, but let it be known that the dwellers accord with the elements of their respective spheres. These living beings do not have states of consciousness like unto those who live on the surface of this globe: the power of adaptation and environment moulds their bodies and states of consciousness, just as our bodies and minds are suited to our planet.
For example, we have birds that live in the air, those that live on the earth and those that live in the sea. The sea birds are adapted to their elements, likewise the birds which soar in the air, and those which hover above the earth’s surface. Many animals living on the land have their counterparts in the sea. The domestic horse has his counterpart in the sea-horse which is half horse and half fish.
The components of the sun differ from those of this earth, for there are certain light and life-giving elements radiating from the sun. Exactly the same elements may exist in two bodies, but in varying quantities....
... Beings who inhabit those distant luminous bodies are attuned to the elements that have gone into their composition of their respective spheres.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Abdul Baha on Divine Philosophy. Boston, MA: Bahai Publishing Committee. 1918. Pages 114-115.
The spiritual world is like unto the phenomenal world. They are the exact counterpart of each other. Whatever objects appear in this world of existence are the outer pictures of the world of heaven. When we look upon the phenomenal world, we perceive that it is divided into four seasons; one is the season of spring, another the season of summer, another autumn and then these three seasons are followed by winter. When the season of spring appears in the arena of existence, the whole world is rejuvenated and finds new life. The soul-refreshing breeze is wafted from every direction; the soul-quickening bounty is everywhere; the cloud of mercy showers down its rain, and the sun shines upon everything. Day by day we perceive that the signs of vegetation are all about us. Wonderful flowers, hyacinths and roses perfume the nostrils. The trees are full of leaves and blossoms, and the blossoms are followed by fruit. The spring and summer are followed by autumn and winter. The flowers wither and are no more; the leaves turn gray and life has gone. Then comes another springtime; the former springtime is renewed; again a new life stirs within everything.
The appearances of the Manifestations of God are the divine springtime. When Christ appeared in this world, it was like the vernal bounty; the outpouring descended; the effulgences of the Merciful encircled all things; the human world found new life. Even the physical world partook of it. The divine perfections were upraised; souls were trained in the school of heaven so that all grades of human existence received life and light. Then by degrees these fragrances of heaven were discontinued; the season of winter came upon the world; the beauties of spring vanished; the excellences and perfections passed away; the lights and quickening were no longer evident; the phenomenal world and its materialities conquered everything; the spiritualities of life were lost; the world of existence became life unto a lifeless body; there was no trace of the spring left.
Reported words of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, The Promulgation of Universal Peace. Page 10.

In my opinion, idealism, of any variety, is problematic:

The theory of forms is probably the most characteristic, and most contested of the doctrines of Plato.... Ordinary things gain their natures by either “imitating” forms (which then become thought of as transcendent and somehow independent of the sensible world) or “participating” in them (in which case they are immanent, present in things, and perhaps less mysterious). The train of thought is illustrated with both geometrical and ethical examples. The plate that the potter makes is not itself perfectly round, but perfect roundness is an ideal. It may not be found in the world, but it is something to which things approximate, and it plays a role in rendering intelligible the world in which they do so. Similarly actual human institutions may only approximate to the ideal of justice, but the ideal or form provides an intelligible dimension of description and criticism.
Simon Blackburn, The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy. Second edition. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. 2008.
The word idealism is derived from the Greek word ἰδέα, which simply means something seen, or the look of something. Plato used the word as a technical term of his philosophy to mean a universal (such as whiteness) in contrast to a particular (such as something white) or to mean an ideal limit or standard (such as absolute Beauty) in contrast to the things that approximate or conform to it (such as the more or less beautiful things). According to Plato an Idea, or Form, is apprehended by the intellect, does not exist in time, and cannot come into existence or cease to exist as temporal things do and is hence more real than they are. In medieval philosophy Ideas or Forms were regarded as the patterns in accordance with which God conceived of things and created them, and hence they were thought of as existing in the mind of God.
H.B. Acton, “Idealism.” Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Donald M. Borchert, editor. 2nd edition. Volume 4. Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA. 2006. Pages 552-562.
subjective idealism, a philosophy based on the premise that nothing exists except minds and spirits and their perceptions or ideas. A person experiences material things, but their existence is not independent of the perceiving mind; material things are thus mere perceptions. The reality of the outside world is contingent on a knower. The 18th-century Anglo-Irish philosopher George Berkeley succinctly formulated his fundamental proposition thus: Esse est percipi (“To be is to be perceived”). In its more extreme forms, subjective idealism tends toward solipsism, which holds that I alone exist.
“subjective idealism.” Encyclopædia Britannica: Encyclopædia Britannica Online Academic Edition. Chicago, IL: Encyclopædia Britannica. 2013. Retrieved on April 7, 2013.

Mrs. Isabella D. Brittinghmam, peace be upon her, asked His Exemplary Presence ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, “Are the planets or stars the many mansions in heaven of which Christ spoke, telling the disciples that He went to prepare a place for them?” ʿAbduʾl-Bahá replied:

As to thy question regarding the stars: Know that these brilliant stars are numberless and their existence is not void of wisdom both useful and important (i.e., their existence is of great importance.)
Rather they are worlds, as this world of ours. But they differ in their bodies, by the difference of elements, from this earthly body. They differ in (their) formation. The beings existent upon these bodies are according to their formation.
As to the worlds whereunto Christ (unto whom be the great glory) referred: They are spiritual, divine, heavenly, single, unlocated; neither the imperfect mind can commprehend them, nor the shining soul can know them. But, verily the sights of the people of the Kingdom of El Abha [al-Abhā, the Most Glorious] perceive them and the intellects of the people of the Supreme Concourse apprehended them.
From a Tablet by ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, dated 1902, written to Isabella D. Brittinghmam. Provisional translation by Mirza Ameen Ullah, Chicago, IL, August 15, 1902.

Although this third statement, like the previous quotation, may not be as explicit as the first, since “stars” might refer to solar systems, it is taken from an authenticated source:

... it cannot be imagined that the worlds of existence, whether the stars or this earth, were once inhabited by the donkey, cow, mouse and cat, and that they were without man! This supposition is false and meaningless.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Pages 197.

This MP3 audio file, from March 17, 2012, describes beings which are allegedly living on the surface of the Sun. I personally captured the following solar images from on November 17, November 18, and December 2, 2012, and on January 10, January 13, March 9, April 6, May 5, May 7, and May 12, 2013:

click to enlarge the image above
click to enlarge the image above
Helioviewer Helioviewer
Helioviewer Helioviewer Helioviewer

This photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), from SOHO LASCO (the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory’s Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph), operated jointly by NASA and the European Space Agency (ESA), of a possible spacecraft or solar satellite was only cropped and enlarged:


Some of the saucer-shaped spacecraft, including both preternatural and earthly reverse-engineered vehicles, may, as certain writers have suggested, be powered by plasma:

... the saucer was mostly one big plasma motor.... enveloping the whole craft in a ball of light.
Do you honesty believe UFO’s are ET craft 100%?Above Top Secret. November 22, 2007. Retrieved on October 6, 2012.
You do realise the building of “flying saucers” by humans is already a confirmation of an alien presence in the Solar System? ... [T]he TR-3B Astra for instance ... [is] engine powered by plasma-based mercury that helps to nullify gravity. That’s back-engineered technology; guess where from?
Pilots witness UFO over Manchester airport – January, 1995.” Above Top Secret. December 24, 2011. Retrieved on October 6, 2012.

NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) posted a fascinating solar video, from June 18, 2012, on YouTube. SDO called it, Alien Prometheus Prominence (MP4 video). My impression is that it displays, in the first few moments, a colossal saucer-shaped vehicle. Speculatively, it, and perhaps even its crew or passengers, could be powered, nurtured, and “fed” by the Sun’s plasma or electricity. A star’s fusion energy might even serve as a celestial or dimensional portal. Below is a rather impressive screen shot of the craft, possibly with its landing gear lowered, and two embedded enlargements:

Alien Prominence

The video might, I am guessing, have come from one of NASA’s younger generation of paradigm busters. Given the clarity of the image, the agency’s qualified description, extreme caution is somewhat surprising. Perhaps they were exercising due diligence or, in other words, covering their butts:

This movie covers almost 15 hours from the early hours of June 18, 2012. These UV [ultraviolet] views from the AIA [Atmospheric Imaging Assembly] instrument on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory in the 304 angstrom wavelengths show a beautiful prominence eruption. We called it the “Alien Prometheus Prominence.” Why? Watch the movie and find out.
This 304 angstrom channel (red Sun) provides us a very good way of seeing areas where cooler dense plumes of plasma, filaments and prominences, are located above the visible surface of the Sun.
There is a also a close-up view in 171 angstrom of this prominence showing the arcs extending off of the Sun where plasma moves along magnetic field lines.
A solar prominence (also known as a filament when viewed against the solar disk) is a large, bright feature extending outward from the Sun’s surface. Prominences are anchored to the Sun’s surface in the photosphere, and extend outwards into the Sun’s hot outer atmosphere, called the corona. A prominence forms over timescales of about a day, and stable prominences may persist in the corona for several months, looping hundreds of thousands of miles into space. Scientists are still researching how and why prominences are formed.
The red-glowing looped material is plasma, a hot gas comprised of electrically charged hydrogen and helium. The prominence plasma flows along a tangled and twisted structure of magnetic fields generated by the sun’s internal dynamo. An erupting prominence occurs when such a structure becomes unstable and bursts outward, releasing the plasma.
Credit: NASA SDO
Scoring: Alien – by Jerry Goldsmith
PS: We are not endorsing any aliens on the Sun!
NASA SDO – ‘Alien’ Prominence, June 18, 2012.” NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory (on their YouTube Channel). Retrieved on June 20, 2012.

The next solar object (MP4 video), while not as clearly defined, is also quite spectacular:


In April, 2014, a craft or another object apparently impacted or docked with the Sun (MP4 video):


These LASCO C3 photographs (original image 1, image 2, and image 3), which I also spotted on my own, are from SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory). It is jointly operated by NASA and the European Space Agency. I have cropped and enlarged these images of a possible spacecraft (all timestamped from shortly past midnight on April 29, 2013), but I have not otherwise modified them:

Solar Ship Solar Ship Solar Ship

According to a writer:

For some time there has been strong speculation that our Sun is a portal (doorway) to other worlds. We have even posted large planet size spaceships near the Sun. We have been watching this phenomenon for several years on SOHO-NASA [Solar and Heliospheric Observatory of NASA] satellites. This type of activity has increased over the past few months. Of course, images that were extremely clear they have scrubbed them from time to time, but all the evidence is hard to get rid of with so many literate arm chair astronomers these days.
Portal in Our Sun. July 1, 2012. Retrieved on October 19, 2012.

Click to enlarge these images of cube-shaped objects near the Sun. They were photographed by SOHO in June, 2011:


This apparent image of a saucer around the Sun, with two embedded enlargements, is from January, 2010:

The following solar images were also allegedly captured by SDO in 2012:

Furthermore, two MP4 videos (file 1 and file 2) appear to show a huge flying-saucer craft with a plasmatic connection cable to the Sun. Here is a screen capture:


Here are two more alleged spacecraft near the sun. They were captured by SDO in 2012:

Helioviewer 2012
Helioviewer 2012

In this screenshot from an MP4 video, a spacecraft is allegedly using the Sun, or its plasmatic energy, as a stargate, portal, or wormhole:

The Sun as a Stargate

These are screen captures from four additional MP4 videos (file 1, file 2, file 3, and four) which allegedly show spacecraft near the Sun and its plasmatic energy:


In a screenshot taken from another MP4 video, which was made on May 25, 2012, a craft, after apparently emerging from the Sun, might have been deflecting harmful solar radiation from the Earth:


As shown in another MP4 video, from May 19, 2013, a spacecraft possibly shown at the bottom left may be performing a similar activity:


Finally, this alleged humanoid face on the sun was photographed on April 22, 2013 (MP4 video):

Face on the Sun

Allegedly, a huge hexahedral or cubed object (MP4 video), possibly a skyline, was observed near the Sun in 2013:

Huge Hexahedron or Cube

This anomaly was observed on Eros (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), a satellite (or “moon”) of the Sun (PDF description):


Return to the table of contents.

III. Angels

For what it’s worth, I am not a ufologist. That subject was, in fact, one of my major Autistic special interests when I was a preteen and early teen from 1967-1970. (Special interests are a bit like hobbies but much more intensive and encompassing.) Even though I read about ufology, including ancient astronauts, quite a bit at the time, I have never, as an adult, systematically studied the field’s literature. Since spaceships have, in my view, been identified, and they manifest, not fly, I have no interest in considering the evidence for unidentified flying objects (that offensive, four-letter word, UFOs). My objective is to spiritually identify, and inwardly commune with, other beings.

Nevertheless, returning to the topic of preternaturals and their spaceships has allowed me to integrate this childhood fascination with my evolving approach to reality, now called The Unicentric Paradigm, since becoming a Baháʾí. More often than not, my views on this subject are, admittedly, little more than speculative hunches. Still, they are the result of spending many hours reading and pondering various texts, including Baháʾí literature. Efforts, however, prove nothing. Ideas which have not been supported by hard empirical evidence are speculations.

14th Century A.D. Prehistoric Art
drawings of possible spacecraft
Mayan spacecraft Mayan spacecraft Mayan spacecraft
Mayan spacecraft
four Mayan artifacts of alleged spacecraft (one on top right apparently exiting the Sun)

An image of an apparent space traveler was allegedly found on a Sumerian tablet. Here are two resolutions of the photograph:

Sumerian Tablet
Sumerian Tablet

The following pictures are artistic renderings, from sixteenth-century Europe, of alleged spacecraft engaged in warfare. Humans will, inevitably, be humans. Speculatively, perhaps certain preternatural military forces were executing collective security in the sky (PDF file):

April 4, 1561, at dawn over Nuremberg, Germany
August 7, 1566, at dawn over Basle (a.k.a. Basel), Switzerland

The word, angel, is from the Late Greek, ángelos (literally, messenger). Although I am extremely skeptical of alleged, unsubstantiated reports by governments on preternaturals, these angelic protectors could conceivably represent numerous intelligent species:

John Lear claims there are 18 extraterrestrial races monitoring us and Sergeant First Class Cliff Stone claims they had catalogued 57 species of humanoid extraterrestrial by 1989.
Are Alien Android Servants Watching Us? Retrieved on May 23, 2012.

More and more representatives of the ranks and species of angels, both from this world and the luminous worlds to come, are, I intuitively feel, visiting this planet. In this age of earth-shaking crises, they are with us. During the current transitional period, as this planet is moving between the old order and the new one in formation, these heavenly beings are affirming their divinely ordained authority. My focus on cosmic unity and my efforts to draw spiritually close to these loving beings, among the blessed angels of this world, have brought me much closer to angelology than to so-called ufology.

In the Jewish mysticism of the Qabbalah [Hebrew, Qabbālāh, receiving], angelology is developed starting from the episode of the struggle between Jacob [Hebrew, Yaʿăqōb] and the angel (Gn. 32: 27) ....
Christianity accepted and redeveloped aspects of Old Testament angelology according to its new requirements. Angels intervene in the central events involving the coming of the Messiah ....
There are elaborate angelologies to be found in Islamic philosophical and religious writings.... In the philosophy of Sohrawardi [Suḥrawardī] there is a complex and well-developed angelology which contains elements of Neoplatonic and Zoroastrian influence .... All sensible and material reality is created and controlled by a particular type of archangel. These archangels occupy a mundus imaginalis [Latin, imaginal world, elegance, or order] between the physical and spiritual worlds and can be perceived by the sage by means of imagination.
Andrea Piras, “Angels.” Encyclopedia of Religion. Edited by Lindsay Jones. Volume 1. Second edition. Detroit, MI: Macmillan Reference USA. 2005. Pages 343-349.
The theology of angels is a science that studies in the light of divine revelation the invisible world of spiritual intelligences (good angels) created by God who assist man in the attainment of his salvation and share with him the divine call to supernatural grace and glory.
A.A. Bialas, “Angelology.” New Catholic Encyclopedia. Berard L. Marthaler, executive editor. Second edition. Volume 1. Detroit: Gale. 2003. Pages 414-415.

The angelics appear to have become considerably more active:

Gods who used to walk the face of the earth have not been seen in a long time, but our UFO visitors are surely agents of more powerful extraterrestrials historically called gods. Contacts between humans and extraterrestrial beings are increasing ....
... A growing number of us are joining the Sumerians, Egyptians, Hindus, Olmecs, Mayans, Aztecs, and Toltecs in believing that the gods will soon return to earth.
Robert Berringer, The Age of Aquarius is Near. Carrollton, VA: Cloudrider Books. July 10, 2006. Retrieved on August 2, 2012.

Mahāyāna (Sanskrit for Greater Vehicle), the largest branch of Buddhism (Sanskrit, Buddha Dharma, sustenance of the Awakened One), focuses upon the spiritual awakening, enlightenment, or emancipation of all sentient (conscious) beings. Many Mahāyāna Buddhists believe in, and strive to become, bodhisattvāḥ or bodhisattvas (Sanskrit for awakened beings):

The Tibetan texts speak of extraterrestrial Bodhisattvas, that come down in their own wheels or Spheres, spinning self generated Star Ship wheels, or even cities generated from their thoughts into real physical vehicles, who than descended on Earth, were self born and then passed on these techniques to sages, to Lamas, who than themselves would implement this.
Ananda, “The Diamond Body: An In-Depth Interview with Ananda by Elrannis Magazine.” ATON – Ananda Bosman Site. March, 2000. Retrieved on October 10, 2012.

The term, angels (Arabized Hebrew, al-malākūt, the messengers, often translated as the Kingdom), is the condition of Angelhood (the Angelic World). It might designate attributes, souls (as individualized attributes), and perhaps even sacred objects that conform to the Spiritual Kingdom. They are, as a result, angelic or spiritual. Therefore, Angelhood could refer, in some textual contexts, to exceptional persons, including the Prophets and Their servants, both in this world and in the next. Angelhood, in my view, is servitude before God.

O thou who hast addressed ʿAbduʾl-Bahá!
Verily, I pray my Lord to teach thee a language and writing of the Kingdom which will satisfy thee, so as to dispense with all things; for that spiritual writing and instructive tongue are eloquent, clear, laudable, legible, read by the tongue and preserved in the heart. Blessed is he who knows it in the world of man!
Know, verily, that the Ocean is waving, the Sun shining, the Stars dawning. (Understand what I say!)
The tree will grow, the earth will send forth hyacinths 1 and give blessings, and man will become of the heavenly angels. Feed on the light of guidance and impart light to the people. The bird will warble melodies unknown save by the birds of heaven; then tear asunder the veil and see the realities of things with the eye of God. Verily, thy Lord guideth whomsoever He willeth unto the Straight Path!
The Promised Spot will be made a racecourse for the steeds of the race of Knowledge and the lights of the Merciful will shine upon it. The dispersed ones will return to the Center of Gathering and the birds will return from the meadows of the world unto the Nest of Harmony. This is a preordained matter.
As to thee: Thou hast borne every difficulty and hardship and soon will be rewarded by God with a good reward. He will destine to thee all that is good, and choose for thee the manifestation of His mercy among the servants; that they may thus see that the Sons of the Kingdom have gone out, while there hath come a soul from the remotest horizon who hath entered the Kingdom of God.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá quoted in Japan Will Turn Ablaze! Pages 21-22.
angelhood. noun.
1. the state or condition of being an angel; angelic nature.
2. angels collectively: the angelhood of heaven.
3. an angelic being.
Random House Dictionary. New York: Random House. 2012.

Nevertheless, I see no requirement to limit the angels before death to ordinary earthly humans. An angelic being is, to my understanding, any virtuous entity who represents or teaches God’s sovereign Will:

Issue forth from your cities, O peoples of the West and aid God ere the Day when the Lord of mercy shall come down unto you in the shadow of the clouds with the angels circling around Him, exalting His praise and seeking forgiveness for such as have truly believed in Our signs.
The Báb, Selections from the Writings of the Báb. Page 56.
The meaning of “angels” is the confirmations of God and His celestial powers. Likewise angels are blessed beings who have severed all ties with this nether world, have been released from the chains of self and the desires of the flesh, and anchored their hearts to the heavenly realms of the Lord. These are of the Kingdom, heavenly; these are of God, spiritual; these are revealers of God’s abounding grace; these are dawning-points of His spiritual bestowals.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá. Page 81.
Now is the time to divest yourselves of the garment of attachment to this phenomenal realm, be wholly severed from the physical world, become angels of heaven, and travel and teach through all these regions.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, as quoted in a message, dated May 1971, written by the Universal House of Justice to the Caribbean Conference, Lights of Guidance: A Baháʾí Reference File. Number 1778.

Indeed, the heavenly hosts in the concourse of angels stand rank upon rank:

The angels and the spirits, arrayed rank upon rank, descend, by the leave of God, upon this Gate and circle round this Focal Point in a far-stretching line.
The Báb, Selections from the Writings of the Báb. Page 50.
The Lord of Hosts, the King of Kings has pledged unfailing aid to every crusader battling for His Cause. Invisible battalions are mustered, rank upon rank, ready to pour forth reinforcements from on high. Baháʾuʾlláh’s army of light is standing on the threshold of the Holy Year [1953].
Shoghi Effendi, Messages to the Baháʾí World: 1950-1957. Page 44.
The unseen legions, standing rank upon rank, and eager to pour forth from the Kingdom on high the full measure of their celestial strength on the individual participants of this incomparably glorious Crusade, are powerless unless and until each potential crusader decides for himself, and perseveres in his determination, to rush into the arena of service ready to sacrifice his all for the Cause he is called upon to champion.
Shoghi Effendi, Citadel of Faith. Page 131.
Angels and Starships

Certain visible signs could, I feel, represent various means by which our angels are communicating their presence to us. The best known have, of course, been the spacecraft, interdimensional starships, or so-called UFOs. Public domain 1979 film footage, which was converted into MP4 format, can be watched in parts file 1, file 2, and file 3. Below is an animated image of that alleged spaceship along with a description:

Spacecraft In 1979, some friends and I were messing around with a video camera in a slum area of town that had largely burned down and never been rebuilt.
The video camera was old, with a heavy, over the shouder separate deck, obsolete even then. We saw some stuff flying around the buildings. At first we thought they were kites or maybe some radio controlled toy planes. We never did figure out what they were, but we got some of the stuff on video. It appeared as if there were two things, one smaller than the other. They moved pretty fast, so we guessed they were light, like balloons. They would fly away, then come back, for about a half hour.
The tapes and camera ended up forgotten in a pile of junk in the basement.
I just dug out the tapes, which are disintegrating. Unfortunately, I can’t get the audio to work, so the weird noise can’t be heard. The old deck functions just well enough to watch a few inches at a time of the tape. After playing a few seconds, the heads have to be cleaned, and the tape has snapped in a few places. I’m transferring what survives to digital format, and posting it here for anyone who’s interested in this sort of thing.
UFO Footage. Filmed in 1979. Retrieved on September 8, 2012.

George Filer, the director of the National UFO Center, reports that sightings of “UFOs” have been increasing:

... my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George Filer, “Filer’s Files #34 – 2012 – Stargate or Star Wars?National UFO Center. 2012. Retrieved on September 8, 2012.

A transterrestrial being might have been photographed in a craft (original JPEG image or on the Universities Space Research Association website):


A possible spacecraft, captured from an MP4 video, was spotted near the planet Mercury using the U.S. Navy’s Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation (SECCHI). The vehicle was allegedly stealth until it reflected the Sun’s rays:


In this sequence of three images (MP4 video), taken at James Gilliland’s ECETI (Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence) Ranch in Trout Lake, Washington, a spacecraft is described as powering up:

Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship Spaceship

Five MP4 videos (file 1, file 2, file 3, file 4, and file 5) record a possible spherical craft or drone miraculously landing upon the Dome of the Rock (Jerusalem, Israel) on January 28, 2011. Here are some screen captures of the alleged incident followed by a description:

orbs orbs orbs orbs orbs

On May 25, 2013, this possible spacecraft (or earthly drone) was photographed by Corinne Federer over the Muiderslot Castle in Holland:


An apparent preternatural spacecraft was captured during Space Shuttle mission 102 (MP4 video):


Another spacecraft passed outside the window of an Argentine television newscast (MP4 video file):


A possible mothership was captured in this photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):

Mother Ship

In this next photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), I personally discovered a possible rectangularly shaped craft:

Rectangular-shaped Craft

Here is another alleged photograph of a spacecraft:


These three photographs from NASA (first original JPEG image or on the NASA website, second original JPEG image or on the NASA website, and third original JPEG image or on the NASA website) were cropped and enlarged. However, they were not altered in any other way:

Spacecraft Spacecraft

Here is another possible craft (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


The next cropped photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) is similar to the one above left. The picture has not been enlarged or modified:


I cropped the following photograph of a sphere (original JPEG image or on the NASA website and PDF description), on the left, but I have not modified it in any other way. However, an enhanced version is on the right:

Sphere Sphere

This photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) appears to show a spacecraft surrounded by clouds. The picture was only cropped and enlarged:


The following photographs were cropped and enlarged from a photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) taken during the Apollo 7 mission in 1968:

Apollo 7 Apollo 7

The next picture (original JPEG image or on the Universities Space Research Association website has only been cropped and enlarged:


If this video (MP4 video) is authentic, it may represent one of the best documented cases in history. Here is a screen capture:


This picture (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) is unusual. I have only cropped and enlarged the photograph:


These pictures, allegedly taken from the International Space Station in March of 2014, may show an armada or fleet of starships:

MP4 and PDF
MP4 and PDF

On March 29, 2014, a 3,000-mile (4828-kilometer) width disc (MP4 video_ was allegedly photographed from the International Space Station (PDF file):


This possible spacecraft (JPEG of the original NASA image in PNG format or on the Arizona State University website) was captured during the Gemini 12 mission in 1966. The photograph has only been cropped and enlarged:


I have cropped and enlarged the following photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), but I have not modified it in any other way:


I sharpened and enlarged the following photograph (JPEG of original PNG image or on the Arizona State University website). However, the original image is embedded at the bottom right of the picture:


The next picture (JPEG of original PNG image or on the Arizona State University website) was also only cropped and enlarged:


This photo is followed by a description:

It’s a mystery that hung over the Fresno sky Wednesday afternoon.
Several Fresno residents reported seeing a bright, spherical-shaped object in the sky. The low-hovering object remained visible for hours.
KMPH reached out to the Federal Aviation Administration, the Fresno Air Terminal and the Army National Guard Wednesday afternoon. The agencies could not provide an explanation for the object.
Brian Maxey, “UFO Believers? Spherical Object Hovers Over Fresno Sky.” KMPH-TV FOX 26. Fresno, CA. May 15, 2013. Retrieved on May 16, 2013.

The next photograph is accompanied by an explanation:

Spaceship Spaceship

This photograph (original image) appears to show a satellite crossing the sun:

Satellite Crossing the Sun

Allegedly, a spherical spacecraft (embedded) was traveling to a “UFO fleet container” (MP3 audio file):

UFO fleet container

This image (original NASA photograph or on the NASA website appears to show a large rod-shaped craft or, perhaps, a fleet container or mother ship. I have only cropped and enlarged the image:

Spaceship Pod

The next photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) also seems to show a craft exiting a mother ship. The picture has only been cropped and enlarged:

Mother Ship

The following photograph (JPEG of original NASA PNG image or on the Arizona State University) presents a very clear picture of an apparent rod-shaped craft:


This apparent rod-shaped craft (original NASA PNG image or on the Arizona State University), which is cropped but not enlarged, is followed by a description:

In June 1965, Major James McDivitt saw, filmed, and photographed an object, which approached the Gemini IV (3rd June – 7th June 1965) capsule in which they were orbiting the Earth, passing over Hawaii. He stated: “It had a very definite shape – a cylindrical object – it was white – it had a long arm that stuck out on the side.”
Major James McDivitt UFO? (Picture Found.)” October 1, 2013. Retrieved on October 2, 2013.

Similarly, a possible spacecraft carrier, fleet container, or multi-vehicle pod was captured by NASA (original JPEG image or on the NASA website). I have cropped and enlarged the photograph, but I have not sharpened it, changed the contrast, or modified it in any other way:


These are screen captures from two MP4 videos (file 1 and file 2) of alleged spaceships observed from the International Space Station on March 31, 2013:

Spaceship Spaceship

STS-113 was a U.S. mission by Space Shuttle Enterprise to the International Space Station in 2007. Although I enlarged the following photograph from the mission (original jpeg), I did not otherwise retouch the image:


The following image (original JPEG photograph or on the NASA website) from STS-88 (1997), was only cropped and enlarged:


This cropped and enlarged image (original PNG photograph or on the Arizona State University website) looks like a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) lightship:


This next cropped and enlarged photograph (GIFed version of the original TIF photograph or on the website) also appears to be a lightship:


STS-119 was a 2009 mission by the Space Shuttle Discovery to the International Space Station. The following photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was enlarged but not modified in any other way:


STS-117 was a U.S. mission by space shuttle Atlantis to the International Space Station in 2002. This photograph from the mission (original jpeg) displays multiple objects. I cropped and enlarged the picture, but, again, I did not modify it in any other fashion:


Below is a cropped and enlarged image of a possible preternatural craft docked to the International Space Station in February, 2014 (MP4 video from official NASA feed):


This cropped photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), decreased in size, shows several possibly preternatural craft or, possibly, just spacejunk. Most of the objects are included below:


The following photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), of a possible spacecraft, was taken during STS-127, to the International Space Station, by space shuttle Endeavor in 2009. The picture was cropped and enlarged but not modified in any other way:


The next picture (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) is from the first mission to the International Space Station (STS-88 by Space Shuttle Endeavor, 1998). The photograph has only been cropped and enlarged:


These two sequential photographs (first original JPEG image or on the NASA website and second original JPEG image or on the NASA website) were only cropped:

Spaceship Spaceship

This alleged spherical, metallic spacecraft, from January 18, 2010, has a diameter of 865,000 miles (1,392,083 kilometers) or about the size of 109 earths:

Spherical Spaceship

Here is another apparent spacecraft. I have only cropped and enlarged the photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


In the next picture, captured from an MP4 video, allegedly shows, surrounded by tree branches, a spherical craft:

Spherical Spaceship

Here is another alleged spherical ship (MP4 video):

Spherical Spaceship

The next photograph (original NASA image) reminded someone of a Klingon “Bird of Prey,” a fictional spacecraft portrayed in the Star Trek television franchise. I cropped and enlarged the picture, but I did not alter it in any other way. The picture, in its original size, is embedded at the bottom right:

Looks Like a Klingon Bird of Prey
Klingon Bird of Prey

Similarly, this photograph (JPEG of original PNG image or on the Arizona State University website) resembles a Bird of Prey. The picture is only cropped and enlarged:

Looks Like a Klingon Bird of Prey

The object seen in the next photograph (MP4 video), captured during a Russian spacewalk from the International Space Station, also appears, at one point, to resemble a Klingon Bird of Prey. It is followed by a description:

Looks Like a Klingon Bird of Prey
Not sure of the date but there’s much more to the video I haven't shown here with TONS of other objects and weirdness (maybe later). “It’s a washer.” “It’s a handle.” “It’s a large wrench” are just a few of the explanations supposedly given by NASA.
From the submitter – “I can’t believe NASA let’s these videos out.”
UFO during Russian Spacewalk – ISS. May 12, 2013. Retrieved on May 12, 2013.

The screen capture below is a reported triangular or delta spaceship (MP4 video):

Triangular Spaceship

This quotation describes another apparent triangular or delta craft:

There has been a large UFO sighting over Texas, USA recently.
Red lights appeared over the sky and have been witnessed by multiple people all over the City. Whitnesses claim mysterious lights were hovering over lake Moses. The UFOs apparently formed a triangle shape as well as a “Z” shape.
UFOs spotted over Texas, USA, multiple videos and witnesses!The Daily Saucer: The Shared Experience. July 4, 2012. Retrieved on September 8, 2012.

The next triangular or delta ship (MP4 video), allegedly filmed over Broummana, Lebanon, is followed by a brief description:

Delta Spaceship
More short video of ufo’s over Broumanna [Broumnana] Lebanon seen from balcony.
Ufo Black Delta Triangle Over Broumanna [Broumnana] Lebanon. December 5, 2010. Retrieved on May 27, 2013.

These are three alleged cigar-shaped craft:

Cigar Craft Cigar Craft Cigar Craft

These solar images from SOHO LASCO appear to show preternatural “rods” near the Sun. The photographs were captured on May 23, 2013:

Rod Ships Rod Ships
click to enlarge

This image of rods, possibly preternatural tracking drones (captured from an MP4 video), were allegedly observed in Basheria, Italy:


Here is another alleged rod-shaped craft:


This is also a possible rod (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


Another MP4 video allegedly portrays a single preternatural being within a spaceship pod or capsule:

Spaceship Pod

As detailed by U.S. Air Force Colonel Frank B. McKenzie, a “UFO” was reported on September 19, 1976, in Ṭihrān, Īrān:

At about 12:30 on 19 Sep 76 [September 19, 1976] the Imperial Iranian Air Force (IIAF) received four phone calls from citizens in the Shemiran [Šamīrān] area of Tehran saying that they had seen strange objects in the sky. Some reported a kind of bird-like object while others reported a helicopter with a light on. There were no helicopters airborne at that time.
U.S. Air Force Colonel Frank B. McKenzie, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Reported UFO Sighting. Department of Defense. Official U.S. government document. September 20, 1976. Retrieved on October 26, 2012.

A possible spaceship (MP4 videos file 1 and file 2) was discovered using Google Maps – Street View in Jacksonville, FL, on September 28, 2012:


Since capturing this anomalous, apparently metallic, entity (Google Earth, June 30, 2012) in the Southern Ocean, near Antarctica, I fell in love with it. Once in a while, I admit, I have even meditated on the photograph. On face value, I realize that the object is ostensibly a submarine or some other mundane vehicle. Admittedly, however, I have hoped, on occasion, that it is a preternatural or “alien” spaceship. In any case, the craft appears, to my eyes, to be partially immersed in the ocean. Click to enlarge the photograph:

official U.S. government photograph

A possible multi-colored, saucer-shaped light ship was captured by NASA (original JPEG image). Although I have enlarged the following image, I have not otherwise modified it. However, the photograph, in its original size, is embedded at the bottom right:

Multi-Colored Light Ship

These photographs of alleged pulsating plasmatic saucers of light were taken by Carlos Diaz:

Ships of Light Ships of Light Ships of Light
Drunvalo Melchizadek Drunvalo Melchizadek

The following description of this MP4 video highlights a possible connection between the appearances of preternatural spacecraft and catastrophes. It is followed by a two screen captures:

The recent UFO sightings in the city of Santiago [Chile] are creating fear among the population, according to a TV news report. On the 30 November 2012, a huge glowing disc and smaller craft were spotted over Santiago, multiple witnesses claim the object was massive, possibly the size of a football field, and seemed to glow. It was followed by a smaller craft or orb.
Experts do not know why these unidentified flying objects appear during or after any disaster. What is the relationship between UFOs and natural disasters, catastrophic events such as earthquakes, and why such interest in Santiago, a huge hotspot for UFO activity.
The result of a survey of public opinion in Chile, clearly says that 85% of the population of this country believes in extraterrestrial presence on our planet.
Huge Glowing Disc Seen Over Hills in Santiago, Chile, November 30, 2012. December 3, 2012. Retrieved on December 3, 2012.
Santiago, Chile Santiago, Chile

Several people have speculated that, on February 15, 2013, a preternatural spacecraft impacted a meteor, bound for Siberia in Russia, and smashed it into pieces (MP4 videos file 1 and file 2). These are screen captures:

Russian Meteor Russian Meteor

The following cropped images of the alleged Black Knight Satellite (MP4 video), orbiting earth, were downloaded from the NASA website. They were taken during STS-88, the first Space Shuttle mission to the International Space Station, in 1998. A description will follow. Click on each of these full-resolution pictures for the complete, unaltered photograph:

Black Knight Satellite Black Knight Satellite Black Knight Satellite Black Knight Satellite Black Knight Satellite

This picture, cropped and enlarged from a larger photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), may also show the Black Knight Satellite:

Black Knight Satellite
Unknown mystery satellite orbiting the Earth has been detected astronomers as far back as 1927. Many astronomers reported mysteries radio signals transmitted by this satellite. Then 4 years before the launch of Sputnik I, in 1953 this object was discovered by Dr. Lincoln La Paz of the University of New Mexico. As reports of this object began to come in after this discovery from other scientists seeing the object, the Department of Defense apparently appointed astronomer Clyde W. Tombaugh to run a search for the object. Then in 1957, Dr. Luis Corralos of the Communications Ministry in Venezuela photographed it while taking pictures of Sputnik II as it passed over Caracas. Unlike Sputnik I and II, this mysterious satellite orbited in east to west orbit. The Russian and American satellite till this time moved west to east thereby using the Earth's natural rotation stay in orbit speed.
Then in March of 1960, another mysterious satellite was discovered orbiting earth. This mystery satellite was in polar orbit feat that neither the US nor Russian were capable of at that time. The soviet satellites were inclined at 65 degree angle with the equator. It was calculated that the weight object to about 15 tons, which is far too heavy for rocket of that era. It also travelled twice as fast as any known satellite at the time. The object was sighted and studied by many of the astromoners across the country. This is what Robert L. Johnson, director of the Adler Planetarium had to say about the object, “THE OBJECT,” JUDSON SAID, “DOESN’T EVEN HAVE THE DECENCY TO MAINTAIN A REGULAR SCHEDULE, LIKE ANY OTHER HEAVENLY OR MAN MADE OBJECT HE’S EVER SEEN.” “WE DON’T KNOW WHEN TO WATCH FOR IT,” he says. “It appears some nights, and some nights it doesn’t.”
It was then photographed by the Grumman Aircraft Corporation. The military attached so much importance to this mystery satellite that they created special committee to gather information and study the mystery satellite. The committee’s findings were kept secret and the sightings were forgotten. That is till HAM operator intercepted a strange signal from this mystery satellite. The signal was later studied by Scottish astronomer Duncan Lunan. The decoded massages show a star map centered on Epsilon Boštes as seen from the earth 13,000 years ago. This mystery object was name the Black Knight. Is it possible that the Black Knight is alien satellite and was sending information about them?
Looking at signals that we have received from space it is a good indication that somebody out there is trying to communicate with us. Is it possible that this is the same signal that both [Nikola] Tesla [1856-1943] and [Guglielmo] Marconi [1874-1937] intercepted years earlier?
Black Knight Satellite. Retrieved on April 11, 2013.

Here is another NASA photograph (JPEG of the original PNG photograph or on the Arizona State University website) of the Black Knight. I have cropped and enlarged the picture, but I have not modified it in any other way:

Black Knight

This next photo appears to show a golden-colored craft (original JPEG image or on the Lunar and Planetary Institute website):

Golden Craft

I have cropped and enlarged these two NASA photographs (first original JPEG image or on the NASA website and second original JPEG image or on the NASA website), from the International Space Station (ISS), but I have not otherwise modified the pictures:


These two cropped and enlarged photographs (first original JPEG image or on the NASA website and second original JPEG image or on the NASA website), taken on the same STS (Space Transportation System, i.e., to the International Space Station) mission, have not been altered in any other way:

Ship Ship

As pointed out by ufologist and videographer Streetcap1 (website), this next anomolous object (original JPEG image or on the NASA website), cropped and enlarged below, is conspicuously absent from the photograph immediately preceding it (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) and from the one immediately following it (original JPEG image or on the NASA website):


Streetcap1 also pointed out that one version of an Apollo photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) was grayed out, while the other version (original JPEG image or on the NASA website) displayed an apparent spacecraft. I have only cropped the picture:


Streetcap1 wrote, “NASA Airbrushed UFO – Real Picture Found.” I have cropped and enlarged the photograph (original JPEG image or on the NASA website before the alleged airbrushing and original JPEG image or on the NASA website after the alleged airbrushing), but I have not modified it in any other way:


This spacecraft was allegedly found on security camera footage (MP4 video), in Sandusky, OH, on May 6, 2013:


In 1954, Jessie Roestenberg and her children allegedly had a close encounter with a craft and its occupants (MP4 video file and PDF). Here is an apparent attempt at approximating the entities:


Likewise, Manny, a videographer, appears to have argued (MP4 video 1 and video 2 on May 7, 2013) that conspiratorial reports of chemtrails are actually the benevolent handiwork of preternaturals or orbs. Nothing, he suggested, is being “sprayed.” For instance, he marvelled that the “line makers” as he calls them, at the left and top right, with their seeming “contrails,” and the plane at the bottom right do not resemble any known earthly aircraft. Speculatively, their bountiful activities, as protections or shieldings from coming Earth changes, might even be described as physical expressions of emancipation by angels:

Benevolent Benevolent

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IV. Conclusion

Thankfully, God’s loving grace and bounty encompasses and embraces the entire universe:

O heedless ones! Though the wonders of My mercy have encompassed all created things, both visible and invisible, and though the revelations of My grace and bounty have permeated every atom of the universe, yet the rod with which I can chastise the wicked is grievous, and the fierceness of Mine anger against them terrible.
Baháʾuʾlláh, Gleanings from the Writings of Baháʾuʾlláh. Page 325.
Lift not the veil, O Thou Who art the Concealer! From eternity the tokens of Thy bounty have encompassed the universe, and the splendors of Thy Most Great Name have been shed over all created things. Deny not Thy servants the wonders of Thy grace. Cause them to be made aware of Thee, that they may bear witness to Thy unity, and enable them to recognize Thee, that they may hasten towards Thee. Thy mercy hath embraced the whole creation, and Thy grace hath pervaded all things. From the billows of the ocean of Thy generosity the seas of eagerness and enthusiasm were revealed. Thou art what Thou art. Aught except Thee is unworthy of any mention unless it entereth beneath Thy shadow, and gaineth admittance into Thy court.
Baháʾuʾlláh, Prayers and Meditations. Page 246.

Many prophecies have also been recorded in the Baháʾí Sacred Texts. Given that their full implications may only be understood in hindsight, and disclosed to humanity by a Prophet in the future, too much speculation on possible outcomes is, in my view, a pointless waste of time. However, one thought, which came to me during my meditations, is that life on many celestial bodies (including ours), whether as advanced civilizations or interplanetary bases, might, in some way, be cloaked, stealth, extradimensional, or otherwise hidden from us. What’s more, perhaps as illustrated below, prophecies are not usually testable natural scientific hypotheses:

... the Divinity ... has organized this infinite universe in the most perfect form, and its innumerable inhabitants with absolute system, strength and perfection.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Page 123.
When man looks at the beings with a penetrating regard, and attentively examines the condition of existences, and when he sees the state, the organization and the perfection of the world, he will be convinced that in the possible world there is nothing more wonderful than that which already exists. For all existing beings, terrestrial and celestial, as well as this limitless space and all that is in it, have been created and organized, composed, arranged and perfected as they ought to be; the universe has no imperfection, so that if all beings became pure intelligence and reflected for ever and ever, it is impossible that they could imagine anything better than that which exists.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Page 177.

The unity of humanity is universal, not limited to this globe. Since human life, throughout the universe, is guided by the Prophets, the basic similarities between human species might outweigh the differences. According to my understanding of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá’s comments below, a celestial sphere cannot contain animal species without also including human populations. The implications are clearly remarkable. Apparently, creatures exist on every planet, possibly past, present, and future. Therefore, beings with human souls, even if only in potential or embryonic form, can presumably be found there, as well.

Let us suppose that there was a time when man walked on his hands and feet, or had a tail; this change and alteration is like that of the fetus in the womb of the mother. Although it changes in all ways, and grows and develops until it reaches the perfect form, from the beginning it is a special species. We also see in the vegetable kingdom that the original species of the genus do not change and alter, but the form, color and bulk will change and alter, or even progress.
To recapitulate: as man in the womb of the mother passes from form to form, from shape to shape, changes and develops, and is still the human species from the beginning of the embryonic period—in the same way man, from the beginning of his existence in the matrix of the world, is also a distinct species-that is, man—and has gradually evolved from one form to another. Therefore, this change of appearance, this evolution of members, this development and growth, even though we admit the reality of growth and progress, does not prevent the species from being original.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Pages 193-194.

His Exemplary Presence ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, peace be upon Him, also explained that the maneuvers of the spheres, within the celestial realms, are directed by the highest magnetic force of love:

Know thou of a certainty that Love is the secret of God’s holy Dispensation, the manifestation of the All-Merciful, the fountain of spiritual outpourings. Love is heaven’s kindly light, the Holy Spirit’s eternal breath that vivifieth the human soul. Love is the cause of God’s revelation unto man, the vital bond inherent, in accordance with the divine creation, in the realities of things. Love is the one means that ensureth true felicity both in this world and the next. Love is the light that guideth in darkness, the living link that uniteth God with man, that assureth the progress of every illumined soul. Love is the most great law that ruleth this mighty and heavenly cycle, the unique power that bindeth together the divers elements of this material world, the supreme magnetic force that directeth the movements of the spheres in the celestial realms. Love revealeth with unfailing and limitless power the mysteries latent in the universe. Love is the spirit of life unto the adorned body of mankind, the establisher of true civilization in this mortal world, and the shedder of imperishable glory upon every high-aiming race and nation.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá. Page 27.
If a small number of people gather lovingly together, with absolute purity and sanctity, with their hearts free of the world, experiencing the emotions of the Kingdom and the powerful magnetic forces of the Divine, and being at one in their happy fellowship, that gathering will exert its influence over all the earth. The nature of that band of people, the words they speak, the deeds they do, will unleash the bestowals of Heaven, and provide a foretaste of eternal bliss. The hosts of the Company on high will defend them, and the angels of the Abhá [al-Abhā, the Most Glorious] Paradise, in continuous succession, will come down to their aid.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá. Page 81.
Ye are inviting me to America. I am likewise longing to gaze upon those illumined faces and converse and associate with those true friends. But the magnetic power which shall draw me to those shores is the union and harmony of the friends, their behaviour and conduct in accordance with the teachings of God and the firmness of all in the Covenant and the Testament.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Selections from the Writings of ʿAbduʾl-Bahá. Page 105.

Briefly, the universe might be a tangible sign of the unity, the interconnectedness, of existence. Speculatively, individuals similar to ourselves might even reside on apparently uninhabitable worlds. Perhaps they utilize some form of climate modification or live within protected artificial environments. In any event, according to ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, although this particular planet originated at a certain moment in time, beings and things, including “man,” are not limited to the Earth:

In the same way the species existing on this earth are phenomenal, for it is established that there was a time when these species did not exist on the surface of the earth. Moreover, the earth has not always existed, but the world of existence has always been, for the universe is not limited to this terrestrial globe.
ʿAbduʾl-Bahá, Some Answered Questions. Page 69.
... ʿAbduʾl-Bahá stated there are other worlds than ours which are inhabited by beings capable of knowing God.
From a letter, dated March 31, 1949, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi The Light of Divine Guidance. Volume 2. Page 82.
Some animals survive not only in environments below freezing, but in bodies below freezing. Spiders and insects produce antifreeze that prevent them from freezing solid. The larvae of certain Arctic flies can survive being chilled to about −76 Fahrenheit.
Many species of frogs, newts and turtles do freeze—more than 50 percent of the water in their bodies may be ice. The trick is that they carefully control where the ice forms. As the animal cools, its cells and organs squeeze out water and shrink. Only water outside of the animal’s cells freezes; the crystals may grow in between muscle fibers or around organs.
Laura Helmuth, “Top Ten Places Where Life Shouldn’t Exist... But Does: Smithsonian Lists the Most Improbable, Inhospitable and Absurd Habitats on Earth.” Smithsonian Magazine. October 13, 2009. Retrieved on July 25, 2012.

On the other hand:

There is nothing in the Teachings about spaceships; and the Guardian [Shoghi Effendi] does not feel this is a subject on which he can offer the friends any advice whatsoever. Indeed, to be frank, he is so busy with the work of the Cause that he seldom has time to devote much thought to speculation of this nature, however fascinating it may be.
From a letter dated February 15, 1957, written on behalf of Shoghi Effendi to an individual Baháʾí.

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I am not fluent in Arabic, but I can work with it. Unless otherwise stated, all English translations are from the Arabic or Persian languages (or, in some cases, a “Persianized” Arabic). There are differences, which will be evident, between the system of transliteration, or romanization, of Arabic and Persian words contained in official Baháʾí texts and the ISO (International Organization for Standardization) system (or the Tiberian system for some Hebrew words) adopted in other parts of this work. (See this page on verb conjugation.) Diacritics (the signs used in transliteration) for various languages have sometimes been modified in quotations. Focusing on both translation and transliteration has, from my perspective, been a way to draw close, in my heart, to the individuals and ideas being discussed. Perhaps your experiences will be similar. Learning any “tongue” comes through love:
Speak in the Persian tongue, though the Arab please thee more;
A lover hath many a tongue at his command.
From Mawlānā (Our Master) Jalāl ad-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī’s Maṯnawī (Persian, Maṯnavī), quoted by Baháʾuʾlláh, “The Seven Valleys.” The Seven Valleys and the Four Valleys. Page 58.

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